We are on a mission towards sustainable manufacturing
Ecological sustainability is the biggest challenge of our time. The way we manufacture and ship products has a huge impact on the global carbon footprint. Game-changing technologies are key in reducing the global impact that traditional manufacturing has on our planet, Industrial 3D-printing is one of the core technologies pushing sustainable production, innovation, and value creation – a technology we believe in 100%. We see ourselves as role models in our industry. Our vision reflects why we do what we do. But visions are not enough to make the necessary immediate impact. That’s why we came up with different initiatives – from quick wins to long-term strategic decisions that shape our everyday life at DyeMansion.
“We will live in a world with superior products which are tailored to the consumer needs and are manufactured and delivered in a sustainable way. As the global leader in post-processing technology for industrial polymer 3D-printing we are an essential part of this promise.”
Felix Ewald, CEO & CO-Founder at DyeMansion
Into a more sustainable & colorful future
To ensure that we live on a better planet,
it takes a sustainable economy, forward-thinking businesses & the right people.
To play our part, we are guided by the following values.
Accelerate the transformation towards sustainable manufacturing by establishing. Additive Manufacturing as a viable method for producing high-value products.
Partners who have the same values to ensure sustainable growth and success for everyone.
We strive to do our part, both in the short and long term. We have already been able to implement a lot of measures: from the use of green energy to a circular economy of consumables. But we don’t stop there, and we keep setting ourselves new goals and finding further ways to become more sustainable.
We use green energy in our German headquarters and our Austin, TX subsidiary.
Local sourcing
All our core product suppliers are German companies with a high level of vertical integration.
Circular economy of consumables
We strive for the idea of a circular economy. Consumables can have a huge impact in that. With our green solvent for our Powerfuse S, we achieved a first big milestone. More to come soon.
Upgrade kits & refurbishing
In a fast-growing company, products are always evolving. Through upgrade kits and the refurbishing of used machines, we ensure that our products can remain in the market long-term.
Sustainability Council
We have established a sustainability council. this council consists of 5 voluntary team members who evaluate internal ideas and proposals and drive the activities forward.
“We in the sustainability council are concerned with issues that can be implemented quickly for us as an organization to make a positive contribution to the reduction of resources. We continue to see it as our task to motivate our colleagues, as well as raise awareness, that each of us can contribute to achieving climate goals – at work and beyond.”
Maximilian Kraus, Member Sustainability Council of DyeMansion
“We are happy to support F&E-activities at this innovative start-up-company. We believe in the 3D-printing market, and post processing should be one of the winners following the Covid crisis, concerning global supply chains and sustainability.”
Fabrizio Morgera, Senior Investment Officer at the EIB
Making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 is the big aim of the European Union. We support this mission and are chosen for the “Green Deal” call with the Powerfuse S, our green vapor polishing technology VaporFuse Surfacing, uniting economic sustainability and digital manufacturing. In order to transform the way we manufacture products for the better, industrialization and sustainability must go hand in hand. The Powerfuse S with its VaporFuse technology is living proof that it works.
You want to join our mission to create a more sustainable future? Become part of the DyeMannschaft – a dynamic, colorful & innovative team revolutionizing the way we manufacture products for the future.
We believe in the power of collaboration and view long-term partnerships as instruments to deliver positive change. We are involved in the following initiatives:
The AMGTA promotes the environmental benefits of additive manufacturing (AM) over traditional methods of manufacturing.
Danish AM Hub is a business foundation born out of a vision to make Denmark a world leader in the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and we want to make Denmark a world leader in using AM for sustainability.